Sunday, 10 March 2013

Peter's Rock to Cinchona

Date: February 23, 2013
Number of Hikers: 3 from Engineering Survival + many more courtesy Jamaica Hiking and Heritage Tours
Quick Overview: A "fat-burner" hike put on by Jamaica Hiking and Heritage Tours. The hike took us from Peter's Rock to Cinchona Botanical Gardens via Clydesdale, St. Andrew, Jamaica.

The Details:
Jamaica Hiking and Heritage Tours organised this hike which took us along old unpaved roads passing through coffee farm lands. We walked on roads all the way as opposed to tracks so we didn't have to worry about getting scratches and cuts from walking through a forest. It took us a little under three hours to complete this fairly easy hike which only had a few steep hills closer to the end. Along the way we stopped by Clydesdale where there exists the remains of an old coffee mill complete with a waterwheel. I remember camping out in the 90s at clydesdale as a child and it was a bit sad to see how this quite historic coffee mill has severely deteriorated since then. Cinchona botanical gardens was beautiful as it always is, with the sad exception that the main house has deteriorated beyond repair. Nevertheless we enjoyed the time we spent there, during which we discovered sections of the gardens that some of us who had been there before had not seen before. It's truly a beautiful place and worth the visit whenever you get a chance. We certainly would love to go back there and camp out for a night or two, it most definitely would be a great experience.

Route map, including pictures and elevation profile can be found here.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Holywell Moonlight Hike and Bonfire

Date: February 23, 2013
Number of Hikers: 1 from Engineering Survival + many more courtesy Train Fit Club
Quick Overview: Moonlight hike & bonfire put on by Train Fit Club. This trail had us walking the short road up to Holywell Park from the usual parking lot.

The Details:
We drove up together as a group and left the cars in the parking lot before heading up by the road to Holywell Park. This was a short approximately 45 mins walk up in the bright moonlight that lit our way. There wasn't much need for additional light but a few persons had flashlights and headlights handy just in case. Upon arriving at the park, we assembled outside the main office where the bonfire was started. We entertained ourselves with good company and conversation before being served some delicious Jerk chicken. Marshmallows and wine were plenty as we enjoyed the lovely views of Kingston and Portmore and the bright night sky. Many headed back down at approximately 1am but a few brave souls remained and camped throughout the night. It was a chilly 17 degrees Celsius but a wonderful night and camping - for those who stayed back - was had. No route map available but enjoy the pictures.